Membership Information
For public safety and security officials and the C-UAS industry to be truly effective in Washington, organizational coordination of public and private entities around shared policy goals is vital. Through Drone Safe Communities, these diverse stakeholders can rally around a common issue and cause -- drone safety and security -- for the collective good of our communities, without affecting any individual group's ability to pursue its own policy agenda.
There are two ways to participate in Drone Safe Communities: Become a Champion Member or Partner
Membership Categories:
Champion Members
Champion members are C-UAS companies, public agencies, sports leagues, trade associations, and private organizations who are looking to advocate and shape policy decisions on drone safety and security issues.
Members receive: In-depth DSC policy analysis, real-time intelligence, advocacy, participation in DSC initiatives, product branding, sponsorship opportunities, and company name on DSC website.
[Membership costs are waived for all public agencies*]
Partners are groups who would like to support Drone Safe Community's policy efforts, but are not looking to be actively involved in shaping DSC policy. Partners all receive access to DSC's policy newsletter and analysis, are featured on our website, and are given opportunities to partner or sponsor select initiatives.
To join as a partner or member click here: